LEAD DESIGN - Branding, Package Design, Market Research - July 2022 - August 2023
My career for Love & Fitness started with the packaging of Love & Fitness. My goal was to take the pre-existing brand and guidelines from my client to design a label that was specifically gender fluid and more importantly usable across hundreds of different styles and sizes. My day-to-day tasks for this task was primarily in Market Research and looking at competition.
Creating a label that would be recognized without being too busy was my biggest focus and challenge. I wanted to incorporate the brand’s mission statement of change is made on the molecular level so using the double helix on the design was a must have. I then took the molecular compound for protein and made it into a pattern. After the pattern was made I designed the label into 3 layers.
Molecular structure for protein.
First Layer - "Protein" Pattern
Second Layer - Iron Double Helix
Third Layer - Branding
**In order to minimize clash and a visually overwhelming label the protein pattern was turned down.
The final step for the project was to create slight variations to the labels and some ad mockups for the client to move forward for the next step.